Ghostbusters replicas are coming. Master Replicas made the announcement, despite some technical difficulties, on Halloween. They have unveiled that they will be making 1:1 scale replicas (possibly more). Their first 2 items that they have announced are a Trap and Proton Pack. Seriously. 1:1 scale prop replicas. Again, I'm serious. Plus, they will include lights and sounds. WOW. Fortunately MR says they will try to keep the price reasonable for such great replicas. It's looking like $250-$400 for the trap (due out Spring 2009) and $900-$1200 for the proton pack. I know that sounds like a lot but packs with no lights/sounds can run $1200+ on eBay. $1200 plus would be a bargain. The pack is due out Fall 2009. Of course, 2009 is the 24th anniversary of Ghostbusters.
In other Ghostbusters news...
To recognize this special milestone, Sony Pictures Consumer Products Inc has licensed the property for several new products to commemorate the anniversary, including: video games, toys, t-shirts, comic books, prop replicas, and a theme park attraction.Holy. Crap. That is from the official Atari-Sony press release (via Kotaku). Will they be reviving the old GB attraction at Universal? Or will this be debuting somewhere else? Hmmmm.... Plus, it sounds like a whole bunch of officially licensed GB stuff is on the way in the next year!!!
And on a side note... w00t, 100th post!!!
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