Today is the day. And things couldn't have gone any better than they did. I woke up at 7:25 in order to be a Target for their opening at 8am. Kelly and I pulled into the parking lot at about 7:50am. There were a few other customers waiting in cars in the parking lot. This made me a bit nervous. At about 7:56am Target opened their doors. Kelly and I walked backed to the toy section behind 2 people. This made me even more nervous. I turned the corner and saw 2 endcaps with Clone Wars goodies. One of the customers in front of me peeled off for the matchbox cars. Phew. However the other customer was going to the same area as me. Kelly and I go to one endcap and I started grabbing the figures I wanted. This endcap had a mixture of The Clone Wars and The Legacy Collection figures as well as some roleplaying items and a Millennium Falcon. I snatched that Falcon - the only one in the store - as well as the Target exclusive Commander Fox. After the endcaps Kelly and I rounded the corner into the aisles and continued to find the figures I was searching for. The bottom shelf had 2 AT-TEs and I grabbed one. Between the endcaps and the aisle I was able to locate 10 of the figures I wanted. From The Clone Wars: Target Exclusive Commander Fox, Obi-Wan Kenobi with Generals Armor, Obi-Wan Kenobi with Generals Armor (1st Day of Issue variant), Clone Trooper, Captain Rex, and Captain Rex (1st Day of Issue variant). From The Legacy Collection: Saga Legends Clone Trooper, Greatest Hits Commander Gree (1st Day of Issue variant), Greatest Hits Kashyyyk Trooper (1st Day of Issue variant), and a Greatest Hits Imperial EVO Trooper (1st Day of Issue variant). Sprinkled in with the figures and large vehicles were the Clone Trooper Voice Changer Helmet, Clone Trooper and Stormtrooper Blasters, and the $19.99 vehicles: AT-AP Walker, V-19 Torrent, V-wing Starfighter, all of which I picked up. After the Target haul there wasn't much left to get but I still planned to go to Wal-Mart and Toys R Us.
At Wal-Mart they had pallets of Millennium Falcons and AT-TEs. At least 10 of each. Back in the aisle I found the remaining figures and variants I wanted. From The Clone Wars: Clone Trooper (1st Day of Issue variant) and the Imperial Pilot Legacy Evolutions pack. From The Legacy Collection: Greatest Hits Commander Gree, Greatest Hits Kashyyyk Trooper, Greatest Hits Imperial EVO Trooper, Clone SCUBA Trooper, Clone Trooper with Quad Cannon, and an Obi-Wan Kenobi with Generals Armor. And that was everything I wanted!!!
But of course I went to Toys R Us anyway. Kelly and I pulled in their just a few minutes before 9am, when they opened. We entered the store and the front aisle was somewhat decorated for The Clone Wars. I say somewhat because the employees were still decorating and unpacking everything. They knew this was coming for close to 5 weeks and they weren't prepared. Fail. Luckily I had already purchased all that I wanted so it wasn't as big a deal. There was another gentleman there going through everything the employees put out as soon as it hit the pegs. Try Target and Wal-Mart, buddy! Overall it was a successful and spectacular morning.
In accordance with the new items I have updated my TCW and TLC pages. Check out all of my new stuff!!!
Chemical Formulas
2 days ago
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